About Us

IndiaChapter is an initiative of a group of intellectuals to advance and record India’s progress and growth in the 21st Century. We seek to recover the intellectual and traditional knowledge heritage of India that the current generation of Indians can connect with and resonate with. This will help ensure the reshaping of India and spur Indians to lead the world into a sustainable future. 

Over the past six decades, we have seen and read the relentlessly negative portrayal of India’s past and its abilities to influence the world at present. The sustained campaign to misinterpret and misrepresent the nature and culture of India’s economy, society, religion, culture, and governance systems has left the ordinary citizen, especially young Indians, confused and directionless about the nation. In this context there is a need for the following: 

  • Well-researched and clearly articulated positions for promoting balanced, constructive, and supportive narratives about India’s development, socio-economic status, values, culture, society, and its potential.
  • Programmatic initiatives to support purposeful investigations that can trigger new research into Indian texts, literature, culture, heritage, and history. The research and documentation in these areas need to be professionally curated and effectively communicated to reach and influence the current generation of Indians.
  • Mobilization of national institutes of excellence, and the encouragement of talent in science, technology, medicine, art, entrepreneurship, sports, and other areas to contribute towards the building of a strong, self-confident, and vibrant nation.

IndiaChapter will promote balanced, clear, supportive, and productive narratives on a wide variety of issues and themes. We seek to gather a large constituency of scholars, writers, and expert commentators to achieve this goal.

Contact us for more information: editor@indiachapter.in