
The Trinity Within

Author : Amishi Seth, Author, Screenwriter, Playwright, Director

The trinity are not Gods in a faraway heaven,but faculties in our own personalities

Keywords : Bramhan, Creation, Thoughts, Sustenance, Reality

Date : 18/05/2024


When the Vedas speak of the Science and Philosophy of Creation, they declare that in the beginning there was nothing. Only Bramhan existed as pure consciousness, as the potential of everything that could ever be. Then Bramhan stirred, and Creation happened. Bramhan used its Energy to manifest the Cosmos in three aspects.

I. As Bramha and Saraswati

Lord Bramha creates the universe and Goddess Saraswati personifies the faculty of creativity, wisdom and learning i.e., all forms of Art and Ideation to make life in the cosmos inspired, elevated and fulfilled.

Since there was no material to build the Universe with, Bramha created the world through his thoughts, as Parmahansa Yogananda says in his book, Autobiography of a Yogi, that ‘The Universe is a Thought of God.’

II.  As Vishnu and Lakshmi

Lord Vishnu protects Bramha’s World and Goddess Lakshmi personifies all the resources required to sustain the world – wealth, agriculture, family, resourcefulness, enthusiasm and forbearance – everything needed to keep life in the world going in a manner which is peaceful and joyful.

III.  As Maheshwara and Parvati

Lord Maheshwara destroys all that is redundant so that creation can begin anew and Goddess Parvati personifies infinite compassion for that which is needed for life and utter ruthlessness towards that which is harmful for it.

And thus, the Hindu cycle of life and Creation continues.



Sanatana Dharma believes and categorically declares that every speck of creation is Bramhan itself – Therefore by extension, all of us embody Bramha-Saraswati, Vishnu-Lakshmi and Maheshwara-Parvati.

Bramha created the world through His thoughts – just as we create our world from the thoughts we choose to think habitually. It is these thoughts and perceptions that become our Creativity – the kind of art, the kind of value we build into our world – Sanctifying and Elevating or degrading and depressing.

Vishnu Protects and Lakshmi sustains – We sustain our perceptions and world view by feeding into them the resources at our disposal. We could use our skills, our wealth to enhance Love, Peace, Harmony or to aggravate hatred, violence and discord within us and by extension in the world around us.

Maheshwara destroys and Parvati epitomizes compassion and ruthlessness for creation to begin anew – Just as we need to be ruthless and let go of old perceptions, outdated views of looking at our world, toxic relationships and whatever it is that makes us sabotage our own success. And we also need to be patient and compassionate with ourselves and people around to stoke the values, perceptions and actions that we need to enhance in order to progress through life.

Let us understand the above through an example of Two Bosses A and B


A – Perceives the world as essentially unworthy of love, thinks of people around to be either competitive or as a burden – these thoughts create the quality of A’s relationships and A’s Work Environment i.e., A’s WORLD!

B- Perceives the world as a magnanimous opportunity to give and take and to create value and enrich each other by pooling resources, supporting each other and working together. These perceptions create the quality of B’s relationships and B’s Work Environment i.e., B’s WORLD!


A- Will use resources and power to protect his/her version of the world i.e., politics, divide and rule, and unfair decisions. ‘A’ will look at talent as a threat and will use power and position to quell that talent. ‘A’ will perhaps try and steal credit from others. There will be a sense of insecurity and mistrust within ‘A’ and the organization.

Overall, the work environment will be one of personal interest, dissatisfaction and discord where everyone will do the bare minimum simply to please the boss – hence the quality of the work will be dependent on the whims of the boss.

B- Will use resources and power to protect his/her version of the world i.e., increasing team synergy, inducing a sense of co-operation and co-ordination. ‘B’ will celebrate talent as a resource and will foster it, will give credit where it is due. There will be a sense of security and trust within ‘B’ and the organization.

Overall, the work environment will be one of Loyalty, Enthusiasm and Teamwork. Everyone will work to do their very best – hence the quality of the work will be dependent on each individual’s commitment to his/her own excellence in their respective roles.


A- Will resist change and strive to maintain the status quo. Everything new and better will be looked at suspiciously and assumed to be a threat and eventually organization values will become redundant. The employees will not bother to keep the boss informed about environment / market changes from the ground level. People will stop taking initiative and no one will accept responsibility for their areas of work.

B- Will embrace change and encourage the team to challenge the status quo. Everything new and better will be welcomed and the organization will keep reinventing itself to always remain relevant. The employees will keep the boss updated about changes observed in the environment / market at the ground level. People will take initiative and everyone will accept responsibility for their areas of work.

Needless to point out which of the two perceptions is wiser for anyone to choose. It is therefore clear that this concept of the Trinity in Hinduism embodies the most essential ‘Secret’ of Human Life. That we CREATE OUR OWN REALITY by CHOOSING OUR THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS.



• We are Maheshwara-Parvati in CHOOSING WHAT WE LET GO OF WITHIN US

The Trinity are not Gods in a faraway heaven, but faculties in our own individual personalities. If we understand how to use these faculties at work within us, we understand life.



Amishi Seth has authored four books published by Penguin, Landmark and Orange Art Media. Her books are 'The Giofies go on a Holiday', 'The Goofies Tear Down their House' and 'The strawberry farm'. She has written and directed over 50 successful plays, mega stage shows, conducted trainings and workshops with reputed Educational Institutions like Birla, Somaiya, SIES, Vibgyor International and others as also with Production Houses including Raell Padamsee’s Ace Productions and Harish Bhimani. She also runs her own YouTube channel called PEP THOUGHTS...that talks about do-it-here-and-now practical ways to apply concepts of Spirituality and Human Values to change one’s attitude and solve everyday problems and issues of life.

Image Credits: flickr.com



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Hats off to Dear Amishi. Your knowledge is like deep ocean.

Vinata Kadle12 Jul, 2021

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