
The Emerging World Order

How Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war disrupted the global power balance.

Author : Lt. Gen. P R Shankar, AVSM, VSM, Professor of Practice, IIT Madras

Keywords : World order, Covid-19 pandemic, Russia-Ukraine war, India

The Ukraine-Russia War - So What’s New About It?

How innocent people suffer on account of wars and how we can avert this tragedy.

Author : Dr. Padmavathi Koride, Assistant Professor, CHRIST Bangalore

Keywords : Ukraine-Russia war, Space exploration, Human tragedy, Spirituality

1857 - India’s First War of Independence

The uprising of 1857: What led to it, why it failed, and its aftermath.

Author : Raghbendra Jha, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Australian National University

Keywords : Indian History, British Rule, Uprising, Independence, History

Chinese Bunker Mentality and Indian Options

The trick is not to match Chinese capabilities by brawn but by brain.

Author : Lt. Gen. P R Shankar, AVSM, VSM, Professor of Practice, IIT Madras

Keywords : India, China,USA, Defense, Military strategy,

Is it the Economy Alone? - Biden and the Cuban Protests

A commentary on the Cuban Economic Crisis and protests

Author : Subhayu Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor, Mirik College, Darjeeling

Keywords : Policy measures, Geo-politics, Reforms, Economic Crisis, Cuban Govt.

Israel was never born to fit in, but to ‘Stand Out’

A young Indian Jew muses on how she settled down in her fatherland amidst fire

Author : Revital Moses, Marketing & Social Media Coordinator, Mindspace, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Keywords : Israel Conflict, Geo-political Event, Friendship, Sensitivity

How does one shake off the Chinese Gorilla off its perch?

A multipolar world needs a multipolar leadership based on the QUAD

Author : Lt. Gen. P R Shankar, AVSM, VSM, Professor of Practice, IIT Madras

Keywords : QUAD nations, Chinese Economy, Military, Superpower, USA

China's Strategic Miscalculation: War Avoidance to War Embracement

  To think that China is on a great ascendancy is being off the mark

Author : Lt. Gen. P R Shankar, AVSM, VSM, Professor of Practice, IIT Madras

Keywords : Super power,Trade war,Wuhan virus, Vaccine